Author SPORT.LES / Published: Sept-1-2020

The debate on whether athleisure qualifies as “fashion”—or even “real clothing” at all—feels pretty silly these days, if not straight-up antiquated. We’ve moved on from asking if leggings are appropriate for an overnight flight to spending all of our waking hours in some version of stretchy pants. We even conduct our most important Zoom meetings in them, albeit safely out of frame. Unsurprisingly, loungewear is among the few apparel categories seeing a rise in demand amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

For most of us pre-COVID, leggings and sweatpants were merely the soft clothes we changed into after work, the worn-out or baggy things we’d never dream of wearing in the “real world.” Now, of course, that liberating feeling of ripping off your suit and wrapping yourself in fleece isn’t even happening: our entire day is spent in a comfy, cozy dream state.

There's something grounded and convenient about loungewear that makes it an effortless pick with regards to your house-clothes. It's effortless, but not too clumsy to make you feel boring. Some loungewear can even go nicely with your other casual clothing. Our favorite? The new loungewear drop from VARLEY. If you are wondering why you should consider Varley sweats as your next loungewear acquisition, we recommend you to read our latest article - Varley: Behind The Brand.

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Author SPORT.LES / Published: Apr-3-2020